I've always loved being on the sea. It's seems so romantic to be sailing off on adventures, to smell the salty air and to feel the breeze my face.
Over the past few years, every time I have set sail on any craft, I have found myself violently seasick. What is that about? Each time, I think carefully about what and when I eat beforehand, I focus on the horizon and take deep gentle breaths. Despite this, nothing has worked. Until now!
Last weekend, we went sailing along the Mooloolaba coastline in Queensland. This time I put a bottle of DigsetZen and Lemon essential oils in my pocket. I popped a drop of DigestZen under my tongue, rubbed a couple onto my belly and deeply deeply inhaled from my cupped hands before we left. I added Lemon to my hands for good measure.
It's usually when we get out to sea that I start to feel dreadful and there were some vague suggestions of this but I wondered if it was because I was looking for them! I kept opening my bottles of plant power and adding to my belly, breathing in from my hands and enjoying the aroma as I felt it take hold, almost wrapping me up with love from within.
For the first time in many years, I managed to enjoy the sail and to have absolutely no effects from the motion or waves.
DigestZen is a wonderful mix of Anise, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, Coriander, Tarragon & Fennel. It's my go to whenever my belly is not behaving as I would like it. A drop as described above is all I need to calm my body and to be able to confidently get on with what I am doing, rather than worrying about the effects of an uncomfortable or upset digestive system.
Lemon is a particularly calming & cleansing oil. Taken from the rind of the fruit, it is low in acidity and simply divine! It's my go to for nausea on dry land so it made sense to me to include it on the water with my trusty DigestZen. It's particularly good at helping the after effects of a big night out, if you get my drift - so I am told of course!
Rather wonderfully, a friend took this picture and sent it to me later. I can't wait to get back out there (will always have DigestZen and Lemon with me!).